Six On Saturday: The shed has landed

Pride of place this week has to go to the new shed. So let’s go straight to it.


The old one went a week or two ago, leaving a large open space for me to contemplate. I was wondering why I had ordered a same size replacement when surely I could manage with a smaller one, but too late, the shed was on its way. It is very new and shiny. How lovely it is not to have to lift the door up off the ground before trying to open it and how lovely not to have a soggy floor every time it rains.


I have some new borders to plant up. This one is at the very back of the garden in the area used for produce. This is a very inhospitable plot for veggies, dry and shady and nothing has fared well here. Now the plan is try some plants. First in were three asplenium scolopendrium or hart’s tongue ferns. In the spring I will add thalictrum, hostas, tiarella and aquilegias. The logs in the corner come from a fig tree, read on for their sad story.


Earlier in the year tragedy struck the smaller of the fig trees. I can’t believe it didn’t make a six at the time. Whilst trying to remove the alkanet from around the base of the tree I realised it was moving around quite a bit. Further examination revealed it to be rotting from soil level so it was quickly taken down, sawn into chunks and stored at the end of the garden. The space I was left with was planted up with annuals and an old dahlia that was lurking in a pot. The dahlia did well but it won’t be a permanent fixture. The first real frost arrived this week so I will lift the dahlia and then settle down to thinking up some plans for this border, a sunny spot thank goodness.


More new plans to put in place for this patch of ground. I took out both white currant bushes and a good number of gooseberry bushes earlier in the year and sowed a green manure mix. That has now been dug in and mulched over. Now the ground is ready to receive a new redcurrant bush and a new white currant bush. All the bushes will now have more room to breathe and hopefully I will be able to net them more successfully against the birds.


It is the that time of year again, when the cotoneaster horizontalis gets to be a star of the show. This was not one of my favourite inherited plants and I thought it would be on the list to dig up asap. But those red berries are very attractive at this time of the year and the blackbirds need something to nibble on. It stays.


There’s a little spark of lime green in the border coming from the euphorbia oblongata. This will be its first winter out in the garden after having been grown from seed. It is described as fully hardy but short lived. I hope I get another season out of it.

There are a few jobs still to done, not least the last of the tulips to be seen to. The mojo just wasn’t there last week to get on and do that but the cold weather has arrived and they must be planted soon. Temperatures in the greenhouse went down to -0.9 degrees for one night this week, winter is coming.

Mr P continues to host this merry band of sixers for which many thanks are given. Stop by and take a look. Enjoy your winter gardening, here the wildlife is taking over. Parakeets and squirrels have come for the persimmons and the birds are regular visitors to the feeder. All very entertaining.

19 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: The shed has landed

  1. That’s a beautiful shed ! It looks like you’ll get space inside.
    I didn’t know this euphorbia and I hope it will survive the winter. For my part I grow an euphorbia mellifera and I may also need to care of it if I want it to keep growing. (Mine is still in a pot so I can move it )
    The ( relative) cold snap arrives on Monday and so I have to see to protect it

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I need a new shed too – mine has a soggy floor and a damp roof. I will need someone to install it for me though. And I’d like a bigger one with a potting bit, but that would mean moving part of a raised bed (stone wall) and…. it all becomes too much of a headache!

    My euphorbia oblongata has survived two winters and is flowering already now despite being cut down to the ground in the autumn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The shed company I ordered from did my installation thank goodness. Good news about the euphorbia. I live in hope. I didn’t cut mine back as it was still in full growth. The mildness of the weather!


  3. What a nice shed, and how lovely to have all those new beds to plan and plant up. So you have parakeets too – are you in London? (I guess N20 is the clue!). We have them too (Brussels has a thriving population), they feature prominently in my SOS this week. Do you find them a pain like I do?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, this is the London flock of parakeets. Generally I find them entertaining but the squarking can be discordant, so unlike the gentle birdsong of an English garden! I am so behind with SOS reading – I have lockdown inertia. Must do better!


  4. I wonder how big a shed would have to be for me not to be able to fill it to bursting point. Shame about the fig, or were you maybe not so sorry to see it go. I wonder why parakeets seem to be so urban, not that I want them down here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was not too sorry to see the fig go and my neighbours were ecstatic! The leaves seemed to fall mainly on their side of the garden. I still have the large fig – I sometimes suspect my husband of patiently working through a plan to rid the garden of all fig trees!


  5. A smaller shed? Are you mad? You absolutely made the right decision keeping a larger one and it looks splendid. Well done on preparing the bed for the new currants. Mine have taken over – they do grow so big so you’re wise to plan plenty of space for them.

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