Six On Saturday: Flattened

It was a week of hunkering down.  The water butts filled up impressively.  I then emptied them by filling up all the watering cans and then watering the greenhouse.  It was mad, crazy, wet.  I was happy from Monday to Wednesday, a little peeved by Thursday and downright fed up on Friday.  But the garden did need it.  I reviewed the damage: slugs and snails feasting on the lupins and flattened roses but most other things just soaked up the magic water.


The flattened and rain soaked ‘Scepter’d Isle’.  The petals just fell off them as I deadheaded them.  The alchemilla mollis underneath was cut and joined the forlorn rosa ‘Darcy Bussell’ in a vase.  I was reminded of some beautifully crafted staking of roses at Waterperry gardens and again made a note to do better next year!


The collection of small plants I bought at the Finchley Horticulutral Society plant sale were short enought to withstand the rain, and positively thrived on it.  These are alchemilla mollis alpina, tellima grandiflora or fringe cups,  geranium ballerina and erinus alpinus, also delightfully known as fairy foxgloves.


I was pleased to see a mistreated geranium had forgiven me.  ‘Ann Folkard’ was planted five years ago in the old house, moved around several times there, came to the new house and has been moved around several times again.  I hope it’s  in the right place now, I’m going let it stay for a while and see how it fairs.


Just before the deluge arrived the ailing choysia left.  I now have that most desirable of garden commodities – open space.  I wish I had worked out the plan of what to do next first but the urge to remove the choysia was too strong.  Normally I would fill the space with annuals but I don’t think they will do well in this north facing border.  On the other hand it is at the western end and I do have two or three trays of annuals looking for a home.


The much awaited melica altissima ‘Alba’ arrived.  The final piece in the shady north border planting.  Now it all has to knit together, the weeds are doing that rather better than the plants at the moment.  The climbing  hydrangea is making good progress but the first flowers on the geranium sanguineums were dashed to the ground by the rain.


The small and dainty dianthus deltoides stood up to the rain.  They are about 18cms high and edge the border very well.

A little bit warmth would do very nicely now but dark clouds are looming again.  The weeds are growing upwards and the slugs are growing fat.  It is summer solstice next week so I am optimistically  expecting a change in the weather!  I think rain will be the word of the week for other SOSers.  Take a look at The Propagator’s blog to see how everyone faired.

19 thoughts on “Six On Saturday: Flattened

  1. A warmer weather will soon arrive (especially in early July, according to the forecasts we have). You seem to have had a lot of rain compared to us. The wind was the worst here.
    Beautiful diantus, my carnations show a head down but I hope they will recover.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That dianthus deltoides is lovely. I had to dig up what was left of one of the dahlias after the slugs and snails had feasted on it. I hope the weather improves soon!

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  3. I hadn’t heard of your Melica but I do grow Melica uniflora ‘Variegata’ which is a lovely shade loving grass, bit smaller than your one. I put it in a six last year but it’s a quiet little thing and tends to get unfairly overlooked. Dianthis deltoides is very accommodating, I intend getting more of them, they’re great edgers.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. ‘Scepter’d Isle’is lovely as are the Dianthus ( and I love their clove-lie scent which fills the garden in the warmth) and how wonderful to have fairy foxgloves! I keep on moving geraniums around in my garden looking for the sweet spot – sometimes it is a challenge! Hoping for warmer weather too otherwise my tomato plants will end up as compost…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The first picture looks like a liquor store after an earthquake. (I don’t know why, but news reporters always happen to show a liquor store after an earthquake.)
    That’s cool that the dianthus look so good. They have never done well for me.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Space! The final frontier! I’d be very happy to have a bit of bare border to fill. The rain did get annoying after a while, the Rose’s didn’t appreciate it much here either, but the garden does look very lush in general.

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